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Map Projections SE Sweden Map Projection
Map Projections Sweden
SWEREF 99 TM Sweden Map Projection
"National planar co-ordinate system obtained by projection of SWEREF 99." [Lantmäteriet 2009]
Gauss (Transverse Mercator)-projection on GRS80
SWEREF 99 TM Zone Definition Sweden Map Projection
one zone for whole Sweden - about 13 degrees
UTM/ETRS89-TM zone 33 is extended for whole Sweden from longitude 11°E to 24°E, one zone for whole Sweden.
Gauss (Transverse Mercator)-projection on GRS80 / SWEREF 99
latitude of origin: 0°
longitude of origin/central meridian (CM): 15°E
false northing: 0 m
false easting: 500 000 m
scale factor at central meridian: 0.9996
SWEREF 99 12 Zones Sweden Map Projection
"Twelve national planar co-ordinate systems for large-scale applications obtained by projection of SWEREF 99." [Lantmäteriet 2009]
12 zones of the Gauss (Transverse Mercator)-projection on GRS80
SWEREF 99 dd mm Sweden Map Projection
12 zones with different central meridians, five in the southern part and seven in the nortern part of Sweden. No strict division between southern and northern parts. The municipalities are free to choose individual Central Meridian.
Zones of 1°30" width:
for northern part of Sweden (dd mm)
14°15' 15°45' 17°15' 18°45' 20°15' 21°45' 23°15' 
for southern part of Sweden (dd mm)
12°00' 13°30' 15°00' 16°30' 18°00'
Gauss (Transverse Mercator)- projection on GRS80 / SWEREF 99
latitude of origin: 0°
longitude of origin/central meridian (CM): see above
false northing: 0 m
false easting: 1500 000 m
scale factor at central meridian: 1.0

RT90-Rikets Koordinatsystem 1990 Swedish National GRID 1990 Sweden Map Projection
"National reference system 1990: based on the third national triangulation (trilateration). (1967- 1982)." [Lantmäteriet 2009]

Map Projection Method: Gauß-Krüger (Transverse Mercator)
Reference Surface: Bessel 1841
Datum: RT90
RT 90, 2.5 gon V Sweden Map Projection
graphic19. March 1999
Map Projection
  • RT90, 2.5 Gon W  (horizontal component of RR92) -Gauß-Krüger (Transvers- Mercator)
    • 2.5 gon väster om Stockholms gamla observatorium 
    • 2.5 Gon West of the Old Observatory of Stockholm
Projection   TRANSVERSE 
Zunits       NO 
Units        METERS 
Spheroid     BESSEL 
Datum        none
Xshift       0.0000
Yshift       0.0000
     1.00000 /* scale factor at central meridian 
 15 48 29.800 /* longitude of central meridian 
  0  0  0.000 /* latitude of origin 
1500000.00000 /* false easting (meters)
     0.00000 /* false northing (meters)
Bo-Gunnar Reit, National Land Survey of Sweden, e-mail correspondence, Dec. 97
related information
RT 90 simplified Sweden Map Projection
graphic19. March 1999
Map Projection
  • RT90, 2.5 Gon W  (horizontal component of RR92) -Gauß-Krüger (Transvers- Mercator) - Simplified Transformation (SWEREF93 -> RT90)
    • 2.5 gon väster om Stockholms gamla observatorium 
    • 2.5 Gon West of te Old Observatory of Stockholm
Projection   TRANSVERSE 
Zunits       NO 
Units        METERS 
Spheroid     GRS80 
Datum        WGS84 seven
Xshift       0.0000
Yshift       0.0000
1.00000564631   /* scale factor at central meridian 
 15 48 22.614787 /* longitude of central meridian 
  0 0 0.000    /* latitude of origin 
1500064.08000   /* false easting (meters)
  -667.96800    /* false northing (meters)
Bo-Gunnar Reit, National Land Survey of Sweden, e-mail correspondence, Dec. 97
related information
RT R - 12 zone System Sweden Map Projection
"Twelve regional systems defined during the third triangulation." [Lantmäteriet 2009]
Map Projection Method: Gauß-Krüger (Transverse Mercator)
Reference Surface: Bessel 1841