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Map Projections RO Romania Map Projection
Map Projections Romania
Gauß-Krüger RO Romania Map Projection
Reference Surface:
Zone 34 Romania Map Projection
graphic19. March 1999
Map Projection
  • Gauß-Krüger Zone 34; Krassowskij-Ellipsoid; System42
Projection   TRANSVERSE
Zunits       NO
Units        METERS
Spheroid     KRASOVSKY
Xshift       0.0000000000
Yshift       0.0000000000
1.00000       /* scale factor at central meridian
21 00 00      /* longitude of central meridian
 0 00 00      /* latitude of origin
4500000.00000 /* false easting (meters)(4=Zone 34)
0.00000       /* false northing (meters)
Zone 35 Romania Map Projection
graphic19. March 1999
Map Projection
    • Gauß-Krüger Zone 35; Krassowskij-Ellipsoid; System42
Projection    TRANSVERSE
Zunits        NO
Units         METERS
Spheroid      KRASOVSKY
Xshift        0.0000000000
Yshift        0.0000000000
1.00000       /* scale factor at central meridian
27 00 00      /* longitude of central meridian
 0 00 00      /* latitude of origin
5500000.00000 /* false easting (meters)(5=Zone 35)
0.00000       /* false northing (meters)
Stereographic 70 Romania Map Projection
Reference Surface:
one Zone Romania Map Projection
graphic19. March 1999
Map Projection
    • Stereographic 70; Krassowskij-Ellipsoid; System42
Projection    TRANSVERSE
Zunits        NO
Units         METERS
Spheroid      KRASOVSKY
Xshift        0.0000000000
Yshift        0.0000000000
1                 /* Projection type < 1 | 2 >
6378956.594       /* radius of the sphere of reference
25  0  0.000      /* longitude of center of projection
46  0  0.000      /* latitude of center of projection
0.000             /* false easting (meters)
0.000             /* false northing (meters)