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Europe Europe
graphic17. July 2003
New European Map Projections 
"The European Commission has adopted a series of map projections that has been developed out of a workshop held by MEGRIN with input from the Expert Group on Geodesy in December 2000 in Marne La Vallée." [] (15 May 2003)
graphicDownLoad Full Report, originated from EC-GIS.ORG! (ca. 4.5 MBytes)
Map Projection Coordinate Reference Systems:
  • ETRS-TMzn (ETRS89 Transverse Mercator CRS):
    Conformal - Large and Medium Scale Mapping
  • ETRS-LCC (ETRS89 Lambert Conformal Conic CRS):
    Conformal small scale mapping
  • ETRS-LAEA (ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area CRS):
    Equal Area (Authalic) Mapping/e.g. Statistical Maps -  all scales
Based on the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89)
          Ellipsoid: GRS80 (New International)
          Central Point/Datum: geocentric