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Annoni et al. 2003 - Map Projections for Europe Bibliography Map Projection Formula download link
Annoni, Alessandro; Luzet, Claude; Gubler Erich u.a. (Eds.):
Map Projections for Europe.
European Communities 2003. 
(= 2001. EUR 20120 EN)
Table of Content
  • The Workshop Summary - Claude Luzet and Iain Greenway
  • The EC requirements in terms of Projection Systems - A. Annoni, J. Declincé, A. Wirthmann, C. Steenmans
  • graphicMap Projections for the Layman - Stefan A. Voser
  • Coordinate Reference Systems used in Europe - Including Map Projections - J. Ihde, J. Luthardt, C. Boucher, P. Dunkley, E. Gubler, B. Farrell, J.A. Torres
  • Problems and issues from the perspective of the National Mapping Agencies - Lars E. Engberg
  • An Equal Area Projection for Statistical Mapping in the EU - Lysandros Tsoulos
  • New Map Projections for Ireland - Iain Greenway
  • European Map Projections and Transformation Procedures. Experiences from the SABE Project - H. Bennat, J. Brennecke, M. Duster, A. Illert, W. Mehlitz, I. Naumann
  • graphicThe Future of Coordinate Reference Systems - Stefan A. Voser
  • Identification, documentation and classification of map projections - Peter Mekenkamp
  • A unique European cartographic projection system - Can it really not be proposed? - Manfred Oster
  • Projections in small scale atlases - Christoph Brandenberger
  • List of workshop participants
Technical Details of the EVRS
  • The Vertical Reference System for Europe - J. Ihde, W. Augath
  • European Vertical Reference System (EVRS)
Technical Description of European Conventional Coordinate Reference Systems
  • ETRS89 Ellipsoidal Coordinate Reference System (ETRS89)
  • graphicETRS89 Transverse Mercator Coordinate Reference System (ETRS- TMzn)
  • graphicETRS89 Lambert Conformal Conic Coordinate Reference System (ETRS- LCC)
  • graphicETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Coordinate Reference System (ETRS- LAEA)
  • Appx1: Brief Biographies of the Workshop Participants
  • Appx2: Contributors
see also EC GI&GIS