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Voser 2007 - Konzeptuelle Modellierung von Koordinatensystemen für Geodateninfrastrukturen Bibliography Library/Publications Germany/in german Geoinformation/Geodata Modelling UML Geometry Coordinates, Method of Geodetic Reference System Map Projection download
Conceptual Modelling of Coordinate Systems for Geodatainfrastructures
A focus on modelling coordinate reference systems and their relationships for interoperability purposes of geodatainfrastructures.
(published in germangraphic) -  Abstract incl. table of content in german as pdf downloadable - see below:
Stefan A. Voser
"Konzeptuelle Modellierung von Koordinatensystemen für Geodateninfrastrukturen"
("Conceptual Modelling of Coordinate Systems for Geodatainfrastructures")
2007, ca. 240 Pages A4, softcover, 68 graphics, 79 tables;
Price: 75 CHF (ca. 62 EUR/82 USD [4/2013])
graphic to purchase, see the purchase-page
  • Introduction to Geodatainfrastructure, Georeferencing etc.
  • Coordinate Systems and Metrics
  • Earth Models and Related Reference Systems
  • Map Projections (Systematics of Projections and a new Systematics of Projection Parameters)
  • Changing between Coordinate Reference Systems
  • Interoparability Aspects, Standardization - ISO, OGC
  • Aspects of Geodatamanagement and Softwarerequirements
  • A New Conceptual Model of CRS and relationships, described in UML
  • International Aspects
  • Historical Focus on Coordinates